2011'e GİRERKEN...
Tüm PDA Üyelerine mutlu, sağlıklı, verimli bir yeni yıl diliyoruz...
Bu web-kütüğü, çok az bulunan "Pembe domates"in doğal yöntemlerle çoğalması düşüyle, bir Istanbul apartmanında Avniye ve Mehmet Tansug'un başlatıp, dostlarına yaydığı "evde yetiştirme serüvenleri"nin bir pembe domates ağina (PDA) dönüşmesi ve deneyimlerin paylaşılması için yayında...
A decade ago, internet mania coursed through the world’s equity markets. For a brief time, Cisco, a maker of internet routers and switchers (does anyone really know what they do?) had the highest market value of any company in the world. Stock markets wobbled with intoxication in a huge and historic investment bubble. The pop was inevitable. So was the hangover.
Today we have a genebank bubble. Someone needs to say it. The message will not be welcomed, just as warnings of the internet bubble were derisively dismissed while the bubble and the risk grew larger and larger.
What’s a genebank bubble and what evidence do we have of one?